massage therapy, healing the

body, mind, spirit


new beginning

Here at Whole Body Therapeutic Center your massage therapist will focus on you as an individual. Choosing from a variety of massage therapy modalities, your sessions are custom made to meet your specific health needs. Our therapeutic massage will leave you feeling a sense of well being and a new directive path to optimal health.

Everyone feels stressed from time to time, but when should you take notice how it is affecting your overall health? Statistics show 1 in 9 people in the US population are negatively affected by stress. Over the years, I’ve heard so many people say, massage is a luxury. I disagree. Studies have shown by receiving continuous massages can prevent a multitude of issues that can disrupt the immune, digestive, cardiovascular, sleep and reproductive systems. In addition to typical issues, ranging from physical pain, depression, anxiety, disease within the body, just to name a few, can be helped.

Cranial Sacral therapy, also can be included for prevention in coping with the impact of stress.

Suggested preventative therapies include massage and cranial sacral therapy click here.

Whole Body Therapeutic Center can help! Utilizing Manual Lymph Drainage (MLD) before and after your surgery quickens healing! MLD therapy assists in cleansing impurities in your body which puts you in a maximum state of preparedness prior to surgery and promotes rapid healing for post surgical recovery.

For more information and benefits of MLD Therapy click here.

Who doesn’t have body pain? Lets get real. Unfortunately, we all have some sort of pain going on in our bodies. But it doesn’t have to stay that way. Offering a wide variety of modality options and with consistent therapy sessions, helps reduce and keeps pain away. So, you can focus on the important things in life.

For more information and benefits of Craniosacral Therapy click here.

Most people don’t realize some dysfunctions may be contributed to organ restriction effecting the functionality of the muscular, circulatory and neural systems of the body. Visceral Manipulation (VM) is the therapy that can help. This gentle manual therapy aids your body’s ability to release restrictions and unhealthy compensations that cause pain and dysfunction. VM does not focus solely on the site of pain, but evaluates the entire body to locate the origin of dysfunction.

For more information and benefits of Visceral Manipulation Therapy click here.

Everyone has had some kind of nerve pain in their lives. Think of hitting your funny bone on your elbow. It’s probably called that because everyone else laughs at you. But it’s not funny when suffering from nerve pain. Nerves only function properly when it’s able to move feely within its surrounding structures. Neural Manipulation facilitates nerve conductivity and intraneural blood supply for local and systemic responsiveness and alleviates pain.

For more information and benefits of Neural Manipulation Therapy click here.


benefits & results


benefits & results



I found the treatment plan for before and after my plastic surgery was very beneficial in my recovery time. My surgeon was amazed at the minimal swelling and bruising immediately after the surgery.
C.L, New York


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